

Danny Snelson


Danny Snelson (b. 1984) is a writer, editor, and archivist. His online editorial work can be found on UbuWeb, PennSound, Eclipse, and Jacket2. He is the publisher of Edit Publications and runs the Edit Series at the Kelly Writers House in Philadelphia. In 2014, he served as exhibition advisor and program coordinator for the exhibition Poetry will be made by all! at LUMA/Westbau in Zürich, Switzerland. With Mashinka Firunts and Avi Alpert, he works as one-third of the academic performance group Research Service. Recent books include EXE TXT (Gauss PDF), Epic Lyric Poem (Troll Thread), Radios (Make Now Press, forthcoming), and Inventory Arousal with James Hoff (Bedford Press/Architectual Association, 2011). Currently residing in Philadelphia. He receives his Ph.D in English Literature at the University of Pennsylvania (English/LPS Teaching and Research Fellow) in August 2015, with a dissertation entitled “Variable Format: Media Poetics and the Little Database.” In the fall of 2015, he will join Northwestern University as a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Digital Humanities at the Alice Kaplan Institute of the Humanities.

