

Giulia Ciliberto


Giulia Ciliberto works as a professional and researcher in the field of visual communication design. She holds a three-year degree in Industrial Design from “La Sapienza” University of Rome and a Master’s degree in Visual and Multimedia Communication from the Iuav University of Venice. Also at Iuav, she acquired the title of PhD in Design Sciences in 2017, and has also held various appointments and research grants at the Departments of Design Cultures and Design and Planning in Complex Environments. She currently lectures at the Academy of Fine Arts in Verona. Her research interests are mainly in the areas of historiography and pedagogy of visual communication design. As a professional, she specialises in the field of publishing and web-oriented graphics. In addition to numerous visual communication projects related to events and initiatives curated by the Iuav University of Venice, she has carried out professional collaborations with Italian and foreign institutions such as the Italian Mathematical Union, the Italian Association of Design Historians, the Italian Society of Town Planners, the Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (Barcelona), and the Institute of Network Cultures (Amsterdam).

